Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to Introduce Myself?

Let's see...My friends say that I am someone they can trust. Totally dependable. I go out of my way to serve people and to make sure their needs are met. I love watching people I love get out of their self-imposed cages, fly out into the sun, and make their mark in the world. Their success is my success.

I am sad whenever I am reminded that so many people in the Philippines do not have decent places to live in. So many live in conditions not fit for a pet dog!

I pray that one day God will use me to help solve that problem. That is one of the reasons why I am into houses, and lots, and buildings, and condominiums, and real estate development, and farms, and trees, and wide open spaces, and clean air, and clean rivers and streams, and a very, very happy and healthy Earth for everyone to live happily in. Forever, I wish.

That is my dream. And so because I know God has much better plans where eternal dwellings are concerned, I shall make it a point to help as many people as I can: (1) find good, temporal dwellings for themselves and their families, (2) find peace of mind wherever they roost, (3) find good value for their hard-earned money. So I hope everyone gets to be happy with what they finally get. That makes me an eager househunters' Santa Claus of sorts. :) :)

I love Manila, Manila is my home. I pray God blesses the Philippines. Always. Amen.

This is Carol, team player for Broker Alvin Ballesteros' Team S.H.I.E.L.D. (Driven Marketing Group Inc.)

Have a blessed day ahead!

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