Sunday, June 11, 2017

Praying for the Bereaved Families of the Victims of the Resorts World Manila Tragedy

It is a lesson and an eye-opener for all of us.

In truth, I say this: I love Newport City and I still believe it is a 'dreamy' place to live in. But I have never been a supporter of gambling. It has dire consequences for those who cannot control themselves, as the incident last week has shown us. I only enjoy being at Resorts World Manila because of the theatre, the mall, and the ambience at Maxims Hotel which was sadly damaged by the fire.

I wish RWM learns its lessons, too. Repair lapses in security. Stricter policies for gamers. Psychological evaluation, even!

Relieved that the tumult did not reach the serene Megaworld communities around it.
Love to everyone.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Photo 1: Parkview Square at Singapore Central. My favorite building! Picture taken in May 2014.
Photo 2: Marriot Hotel, Newport City, Pasay. Picture taken May 2017.
Photo 3: Maxims Hotel, Newport City, taken on May 2017.

If you look carefully at all three, they could all well be situated in the same business district! Love this discovery, love city life, love Newport City by MEGAWORLD.

If you're willing to invest 9M (Philippine currency) in a condo unit, I can help you call Newport your new home. It's one of the best decisions you'll ever make.

Carol 💜

Monday, May 15, 2017

Right at Home in Newport City: A MEGAWORLD Township

It is certainly one of the hottest summers in Manila. Forty feverish degrees, can you imagine?!

So off I went a-hunting for a cool pool (in all aspects perfect for one sweaty family) and my fingers doing the walking eventually stepped into Newport City domain.

Marriott Hotel
No regrets eversince.

In search of an oasis I had walked into another world. No plastic bottles on the sidewalk, no smelly gutters, no noisy smoke-belching jeepneys to destroy the tranquility of my mind. It felt exactly like Singapore CBD! It was a deja vu experience of sorts. I had earlier thought of Pasay as nothing but another dirty neighborhood in the metropolis with grime and flies galore. Boy, was I wrong! Resorts World Manila was something I was familiar with. My son had performed there with his orchestra a couple of times. But it was not until I had the chance to walk down Newport Boulevard that I became convinced.

Pasay City life can be bliss. For as long as you're in Newport City, that is. Kudos to Megaworld for designing and developing this township. The mere sight of the Manila Marriot Hotel towering over the landscape brings profound relief to the senses.

And, surprisingly, even a glimmer of hope for this befuddled nation of ours.

Newport Boulevard
So are you staying in Manila for a significant period of time? I suggest investing in Newport City. Parkside Villas is the epitome of comfort, security, stress relief, brightness all around. Everything you need is actually within reach.

And space....plenty of divinely-given, precious space....all for your enjoyment and rejuvenation.

Contact me if you want to see the place firsthand or talk about the possibility of investing in a unit at Parkside Villas. Unit selection is from studio to three-bedroom. Unit size ranges from 41 to 124 square meters. Price range is from 6M to 19M, Philippine currency.

Hope to hear from you soon. Happy living!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Common Real Estate Scams and How to Avoid Them

First things first. 
Learn from the mistakes of others.
Make wise and informed choices.

1. Five Common Real Estate Scams to Avoid

2. Real Estate Scams in the Philippines

Throw the Coins...

"Throw the Coins" from the 1995 movie "Sense and Sensibility".
Afternoon sun and my favorite window view.
Pastry slice and a cup of brewed coffee.

A warm house filled with memories.
They all go well together.

I love her creativity and passion for making the most out of small spaces! She's a Filipina designer; quite amazing.

Bright Idea for Narrow Hallways

This design posted by Inside Out Colour and Design is a great way to brighten up a narrow passageway. Ideal for Filipino two-storey houses; given the fact that most subdivision lots being sold in the country are relatively small.

Home Thoughts (by Carl Sandburg)

THE SEA rocks have a green moss.
The pine rocks have red berries.
I have memories of you.

Speak to me of how you miss me.
Tell me the hours go long and slow.

Speak to me of the drag on your heart,
The iron drag of the long days.
I know hours empty as a beggar’s tin cup on a rainy day, empty as a 
soldier’s sleeve with an arm lost.

Speak to me …

(painting by Edward Hopper)

How to Introduce Myself?

Let's see...My friends say that I am someone they can trust. Totally dependable. I go out of my way to serve people and to make sure their needs are met. I love watching people I love get out of their self-imposed cages, fly out into the sun, and make their mark in the world. Their success is my success.

I am sad whenever I am reminded that so many people in the Philippines do not have decent places to live in. So many live in conditions not fit for a pet dog!

I pray that one day God will use me to help solve that problem. That is one of the reasons why I am into houses, and lots, and buildings, and condominiums, and real estate development, and farms, and trees, and wide open spaces, and clean air, and clean rivers and streams, and a very, very happy and healthy Earth for everyone to live happily in. Forever, I wish.

That is my dream. And so because I know God has much better plans where eternal dwellings are concerned, I shall make it a point to help as many people as I can: (1) find good, temporal dwellings for themselves and their families, (2) find peace of mind wherever they roost, (3) find good value for their hard-earned money. So I hope everyone gets to be happy with what they finally get. That makes me an eager househunters' Santa Claus of sorts. :) :)

I love Manila, Manila is my home. I pray God blesses the Philippines. Always. Amen.

This is Carol, team player for Broker Alvin Ballesteros' Team S.H.I.E.L.D. (Driven Marketing Group Inc.)

Have a blessed day ahead!